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Creative children from Glossop display their Hidden Depths

August 22, 2023

Production about ocean life is perfect for families in the summer holidays

Children from Glossop and the High Peak are putting on the show of a lifetime in the town centre - and tickets are only £1.00 each making it a fantastic, affordable treat for the family in the summer holidays.

Created by High Peak Community Arts, the production - called Hidden Depths - will take place on Monday 21st August, 6.30pm at Glossop Methodist Church.

Hidden Depths is an under-the-sea themed re-telling of life in the ocean, where we meet mermaids, crabs, sharks and many more, and find out who are the heroes and villains, with a very special message about pollution and the dangers of misusing the sea.  Featuring characters including mermaids, sea creatures and many more, the show includes songs, jokes and even a quiz for the audience!

As the show is being performed in Glossop, many of the children involved are local. High Peak Community Arts provides opportunities for people to participate in high quality creative arts projects. The organisation focuses on those with the least access to the arts and culture and  believe that the arts can be a tool for change in people’s lives.

High Peak Community Arts project manager, Sophie Mackreth, said: “We have had so much fun creating and producing this show - it’s bright, colourful and creative, and really showcases the incredible talents that we have within the group.   Lots of children from Glossop - particularly Gamesley - are taking part this year, so this is a great production for local families to come and watch.

“We work to break down the barriers to participation in the arts, including geographic location, lack of resources, disability or other personal or social circumstances. Our programmes provide first and onward opportunities for participants of all ages, interests and abilities, to experiment with the creative arts – including film, digital arts, crafts, performance and visual arts; and to create work that reflects and celebrates life.

“It’s really important that we continue to open up access to the arts for young people who sometimes struggle to access mainstream provision.  Every young person has a lot of potential and it’s great to see them support each other with the skills they have, and learn new ones!”

As well as being lots of fun, Hidden Depths explores the important topic of plastic pollution - with an estimated 170 TRILLION pieces of plastic in our seas, ocean plastics are forecast to outnumber FISH (by weight) by 2050 unless we collectively change our ways (source: The Ellen MacArthur Foundation).

Excitingly, High Peak Community Arts have also launched a crowdfunder to run their Saturday Film Cuts Club for kids.  The group is looking for funding to run 10 weeks a term for 3 terms a year from September 2023, including national Arts Award accreditation (Entry Level 3 to Level 3), and public celebratory events, such as film screenings, so young people’s achievements can be appreciated by friends, family and the wider community.

Young people are often referred to the Film Cuts Club by schools or other services, and HPCA works with participants with a range of needs. You can contribute to the crowdfunder here -

The performance of Hidden Depths will take place on Monday 21st August, 6.30pm at Glossop Methodist Church. Families can purchase tickets via