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An exciting new exhibition entitled “You are here” will launch on 4th April at Glossop Train Station.
The project is made possible by funding from High Peak and Hope Valley Community Rail Partnership via Friends of Glossop Station. For Glossop Creates’ latest Pairings residency, artist Evie O’Connor has developed a research project and subsequent exhibition by visiting local archives and places of intangible value. Evie studied these “third places” - the anchors of community life, that contribute to the everyday rituals that we may take for granted. Her research took her to band rooms, storage units and local schools all over Glossop, where she partnered with Glossop Heritage Trust, who assisted her research.
The culmination of this project sees Evie exhibit her work at the Waiting Room Gallery, highlighting the ever growing importance of accessible gallery spaces within towns, and demonstrating ways of showcasing creative projects to the public.
The exhibition opens on 4th April and runs for one month. If you’d like to celebrate the opening with us, come and join us at The Waiting Room at 6pm and/or The Star Inn, from 7pm on 4th April. Find out more and book your spot here -